Make it

Building Permits
A building permit is required for the following:
New construction
Addition to building or structure
Alteration of the structure of a building·        
Repair of existing building or structure
Movement of a building from one location to another
Removal of building or structure (usually no fee is charged for demolition or removal of buildings or structures)

A structure s defined as: Anything constructed or erected, the use of, which requires location on the ground or that it be attached to something having a location on the ground, excluding utility lines, sidewalks and driveways. Structures include but not limited to: Houses, garages, decks, storage sheds and fences.

A building permit can be obtained at Wagner City Hall through the Zoning Administrator or can be found at the bottom of this page.

  • Building permits and site plans must be submitted to the Zoning Administrator and approved before any construction or alterations begin.

  • All setback and zoning requirements can be obtained from the Zoning Administrator.

  • If a zoning variance or conditional use permit is needed, an application must be submitted and the Zoning Administrator will forward it on to the Zoning & Planning Commission.

Zoning Administrator 
Kesa Alexander                            
60 Main Ave S.E.                          
PO Box 40                                    
Wagner, SD 57380                         
(605) 384-3741                                                                   

Planning & Zoning Commission:
Chairman, at large: Aaron Hanson
Ward I: Don Hubbard
Ward II: John Greger
Ward III: Lori Beeson 
At large: Jean Pirner
Advisor: Ken Cotton

Site Plan
The site plan is one of the most important aspects of a building permit application. A well-prepared site plan should show what uses are proposed for a site and should answer many of the questions which may be asked about the proposal.

When preparing your site plan make sure that the plan:
Drawn to scale
Includes a north arrow
Includes property lines
Shows all dimensions of the lot and structures
Shows appropriate topography
Shows site limitations
Includes all structures (existing and proposed) and setbacks from property lines
Includes appropriate roads, driveways, or parking areas
Includes any proposed storage areas
Shows appropriate utilities or wastewater system
Drawn clear and legible